Gina is back on Frank’s Tgirls for her third hot video. She is a Bangkok beauty that recently turned 19 years old and is looking for some fun with a foreign guy. Her first couple of sets she was a bit shy and does not like to show off her smile to much which is too bad because it is super cute. Lucky for us she decided that smile was an asset and she been using it more and more. Personally, I love the ladyboys that smile a lot, shows that they are fun and happy. I have never been much for the serious model pose photos. Do not get me wrong it is okay to have some sexy model shots where the ladyboy looks mysterious, seductive and enticing. What I am not a fan of is when they do that through the whole scene. However, Frank is really good at bringing out the beauty of these cuties and Gina is no exception.
The full video is pretty impressive and she actually has a pretty big cumshot. She does it on the glass table and Frank has a camera set up underneath the table so you can see an above view of the cumshot which is crazy hot. You also get to see it with the regular cam as well. I like that Frank does this. He often has an additional video camera focused on the ladyboy cock so he can get a great view of the cumshots and sometimes slows them down in slow motion. Unlike many photographers out there Frank actually loves ladyboys and you can see it in his work. As fans he knows what we want because he wants it as well. Cute outfits, lots of close ups and very beautiful ladyboys like Gina. He also doesn’t focus on one type of ladyboy either he likes to spread it out with thicker girls, older, newcomers and so forth. So you can a nice selection of all sorts of different ladyboys to enjoy.
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