Bangkok beauty Tammy is back in her third video on Frank’s Tgirls. She is amazing and in just a few months she is looking hotter than ever. It always amazes me how fast these sexy ladyboys can change their look. I remember living in the country and a ladyboy could change her look so much I would not even recognize her after and sometimes that would make them a little angry at me. I find the Thai people have a crazy good memory and ladyboys I have not seen in years can pick me out of the crowd and remember my name, where I lived, what I liked it was pretty impressive. ladyboy Bangkok Tammy but I would say she has been upgraded. I love her body, that firm stomach, rock hard cock, great ass and boobs that are a good hand grabbing size. I am glad she did not go huge, sure she might in the future but this size is a great look for her. She also has a huge cumshot she does in one of her videos on Frank’s Tgirls, was quite the surprise but a welcome one so make sure you join up and enjoy it.

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