If you happen to live in Thailand or are planning on visiting the country you might want to sample some of the Ladyboy Nightlife. If sex is on your mind with some of these sexy working ladyboys then this post might give you some tips on how to protect yourself from sexual transmitted diseases while on your stay. First, let me state that I am not a doctor and am only writing this post to help educate you a little more about how things work here in one of the Ladyboy capitals of the world. Through my experience and self-study I think I have a strong grasp on STDs in Thailand but certainly I am not an expert. If you feel like you might have a condition then I would visit your doctor and not try to find a solution on the Internet or avoid it. Doctors have seen it all before so do not by shy, just go and get it taken care of. Sometimes what you think is an STD is not an STD at all. Even if it happens to be an STD then taking care of it the correct way can either cure it or manage it.
The term bareback or barebacking often comes up when talking about ladyboys in the sex industry. You see it on adult sites, forums and chats and that is the first point I will bring up today. For those that are unfamiliar with the term bareback it basically means having anal or vaginal sex without a condom. I am not here to preach on how you should conduct your sexual activities but just going to state some obvious facts. Obviously, using a condom will decrease the chances of developing an STD, is it 100% protection? It certainly is not but it does give you a nice barrier and line of defense to increase your overall protection.
Ladyboys in the sex industry in Thailand can have a lot of sexual partners. In fact I have talked to ladyboys working at popular bars and they can easily have 5 to 10 customers in one day during busy tourist periods. That is a lot of men with unknown sexual histories having sex with the Ladyboy that you decided to choose. Many ladyboys will not tell you that and say you are the first customer they have had in weeks or they are new to the bar and not go with foreign man before. If you question them on their health they will say they are in good health but take note that all of these answers can easily be lies. Most ladyboys at some point have barebacked in their sex industry career. It could have been a man that demanded it and they wanted the money, a past foreign boyfriend, a Thai boyfriend or even because they wanted to. Does that mean every Ladyboy has an STD? Of course that is not true but you have to be aware that most of the working girls are exposed to a lot of sexual partners and they are a high risk sexual partner.
A Ladyboy could say directly to your face that she always uses condom and in some cases that might be true but I would say there is a high majority that have had sex without a condom before. A rule of thumb I personal use is that every Ladyboy has barebacked in her sex career, though it might not be totally true it reminds me to always use a condom.
So here are some tips about some of the main STDs that you should be looking out for.
1. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia – Both of these STDs are probably the most common ones you might get by having unprotected sex. you can get it both from intercourse and from oral sex. They are usually quite easy to cure with antibiotics and not a huge worry of concern if you get one of them. Of course if you are taking antibiotics a lot you might form a resistance to the drug and will have to switch to other antibiotics alternatives. There are also some rare strains of this STD that might be harder to cure but for the most part a round of medicine usually will cure this. Using a condom for both oral and intercourse will seriously reduce your chances of getting these STDs.
2. Herpes – Herpes is usually broken down into two types. You have HSV-1 which is oral herpes and HSV-2 which is genital herpes. Many people in the world already have oral herpes and even those that do not show the signs might still have the disease and have the ability to pass it on to others. Have you ever had a cold sore, the sore that usually forms outside your lips? well that is oral herpes. During an outbreak especially when the sore breaks open and releases fluid is the most infectious time, that goes with Genital Herpes as well. If a person is having an outbreak of oral herpes then they can give you genital herpes if they perform oral sex on you. Once again condoms will help protect you here but if you see a Ladyboy with sores on either her lips or genital area then it would probably be best to avoid having sex with that Ladyboy. Once you have Herpes you have it for life but outbreaks usually decrease each year and can heal faster with medication, creams and living a healthy lifestyle. One should definitely avoid sexual activities during an outbreak.
3. Genital Warts – Warts are another STD that can occur during sexual intercourse. Usually, appearing around the genital area or anal area when it comes in contact with someone who is infected. Once again a condom can help protect you but skin on skin contact can sometimes be hard to avoid. If you see a Ladyboy with warts in that area then it would be something to avoid. You can’t always see the warts either as they can be quite small on some people or even when there is not an outbreak there is a chance you can still get it from someone, though the chances are reduced when there is not an outbreak. Genital Warts is also a STD that you will usually have for life but once again outbreaks can be less frequent with healthy lifestyle and taking the correct medicine and creams if an outbreak occurs.
4. HIV/AIDS – Though not the death sentence that this STD used to be it certainly is still one of the most feared. HIV is transferred from blood to blood transmission. Usually from intercourse or sharing needles such as drug users. Anal sex is a higher risk for blood transmission as the anal area is more prone to tearing during Intercourse. There is also a chance for HIV to be transferred through oral sex such as through cuts in the mouth but the chances are very low and in fact many studies seem to suggest that it is almost impossible. If you happen to have unprotected sex with a person with HIV then that does not mean you will get the disease right away, it is still difficult for the transmission of blood to blood to actually succeed but not wearing a condom obviously increases your risk. Also, being the TOP (the one doing the penetrating) rather than the Bottom (the one receiving the penis) also decreases the chance of transmission.
There are several more STDs that you can contract when not conducting safe practices and you should familiarize yourself with them before you decide to have sex with a Ladyboy sex worker. Condoms can help reduce transmission rates by quite a lot but condoms are not 100% as some STDs can be passed through skin to skin contact and there is also the chance that a condom breaks during intercourse. One thing I like to mention about HIV is if you feel like you have been exposed to the virus there is a period of 72 hours where you can actually take medicine that will help kill the virus before it gets a chance to fully invade your system.
This period of time is called PEP or POST-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS and basically you take the same anti-viral medication that HIV patients take day to day. You take these drugs usually for 4 weeks and if you were exposed to the virus the drugs have a high success rate of killing the virus but it is not 100%. Also, if you feel you were exposed and decide that PEP is warranted then the faster you start the medication the better. I mentioned you have up to 72 hours to start taking the medicine after you have been exposed but it is much better to start the treatment as early as you can, don’t delay.
If you want to learn more about POST-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS then just do some Internet searching to give youself more knowledge or talk to a health professional. The medication taken during PEP can have a lot of side effects and can be hard on a lot of people, also there is a chance you never had HIV in the first place so it is hard to say if the medicine worked in the first place or if your initial exposure failed to infect you in the first place. In any case do not think that PEP is a cure for HIV, it is a prevented measure if you have been exposed to the virus and does not always succeed in stopping the virus.
So have I scared you from having sex with ladyboys in the sex industry? Well that was not my full intention it was just to educate you on what might happen and if you are careless and how the chances of an STD can be increased. I want to stress that not all ladyboys have an STD but due to the nature of their business the chances are much higher. This goes for the gender girls and men working in the sex industry as well, it is not just a Ladyboy issue.
So some points that might help you when you are interested in having sex with a Ladyboy:
1. Condoms will decrease your chances of an STD but are not 100%
2. Some STDs can be transmitted from skin to skin contact
3. Ladyboys might lie about their sexual history
4. Ladyboys can have several sex partners of unknown sexual histories
5. Some STDs can be cured completely with medicine while others can only be controlled
6. Make sure your condoms are in good shape, not expired or crushed in your pocket for example
7. If you see sores, warts, unusual rashes on a Ladyboy then perhaps be best to avoid them.
8, If a person has oral herpes (cold sores) they can transfer genital herpes to you during oral sex
9. If a Ladyboy will not let you see a part of her body, she could be hiding an STD
Many ladyboys do get routine blood checks at local clinics usually through a quick test. These tests usually give pretty good results but are less accurate then getting a full blood work at a hospital. Also remember there is a three month window for HIV where sometimes the virus can’t be detected. That is why most hospitals recommend you check your blood up to 3 months to make sure that the virus is not in your system. If you have not had unprotected sex for 3 months and get a blood test usually that test will be 100% accurate.
So there you have it, a little post about STD in Thailand but really should be applied almost everywhere in the world. As I stated before I am not a doctor nor am I telling you what to do when it comes to sex. Just be aware what is out there, how you get it and what to do if you happen to be exposed. You can easily have a great time with sexy ladyboys and avoid all these problems with just being smart and using common sense.
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